Inject skills into your workforce and future-proof your business by accessing training and funding.
The links will take you directly to individual websites where you can explore these resources and identify additional support that can be accessed.
Your guide to Graduate Apprenticeships
Fancy some fully funded degree-level training for your employees? Then it’s time to find out a bit more about Graduate Apprenticeships.
Publication type: article
Food for thought: can work-based training address skills shortages?
Professor Gillian Murray from Heriot-Watt University asks if Graduate Apprenticeships can be one answer to addressing our skills shortage.
Publication type: article
Food & drink bosses take on Apprentice for a Day challenge
Bosses of leading food & drink organisations have gone back to the workfloor to experience life as an “apprentice for a day”.
Food for thought: how to grow your own talent
As a food & drink employer, are you using the full talent potential of your existing workforce? From funding to top tips, checklists to training guides, our article on growing your own talent can help you make the most of your workforce
Publication type: article
Food for thought: upskill with apprenticeships
Hands up if you think an apprentice is a teenager joining the workplace for the first time?
Then you are underestimating the power of apprenticeships to transform your workforce, regardless of their age and skillset.
Publication type: article
Case study: Reids of Caithness
Building a better workforce is the driving force behind Reid’s commitment to apprenticeships, and Gary Reid is very clear that the workforce is better as a result.
In the last 10 years or so, his business Reid’s of Caithness has put over 35 members of the Thurso-based team through apprenticeships.
Publication: pdf
Case study: Bakkafrost
Bakkafrost Scotland is helping to deliver world-leading STEM education and in turn benefit from inspiring young people and building a pipeline of talent in the food & drink industry.
How? By signing team members up as STEM Ambassadors.
Publication type: pdf
Case study: Hebridean Mussels
While 57-year-old James MacDonald from Stornoway might not be most people’s idea of a typical trainee, he has turned out to be an ideal candidate for the Modern Apprentice training programme.
Publication type: website
Case study: Christie the Baker
Christies is a traditional Scottish baker, selling traditional products.
They aim to let their team take on as much as responsibility as they want, and provide the training and support to do it. Here’s how they do it.
Publication type: pdf
Resource: Modern Apprenticeships
Your business needs skilled people and Modern Apprenticeships provide just that. They focus on upskilling your existing employees and providing extra support and training for new starts.
Publication type : website
Resource: workforce planning (CIPD)
This webpage from the CIPD explores the benefits of workforce planning, the activities involved and the stages of the workforce planning process.
Publication type: website
Resource: routes into food education
This shows information about pathways and progression routes into the food & drink industry that might provide inspiration on ways to develop the skillset of your workforce.
Publication type: website
Resource: Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland works directly with employers across Scotland, providing trusted advice that helps employers invest in existing skills and develop new talent using equal and inclusive recruitment.
Publication type: website
Resource: Find Business Support
Find Business Support is a filter-able guide to Scotland's public sector support. Discover your options for grants, funding, advice, help, events and more – all in a single location.
Publication type: website
Resource: Recruitment and Retention Toolkit
The full 68-page recruitment and retention toolkit from the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership provides a comprehensive guide for employers.
Publication type: pdf